Important Companies and Its Founders:

1. Who is the Founder of Google ?
Larry Page & Sergey Brin

2. Who is Founder of Facebook? 
Mark Zuckerberg

3. Who is Founder of Yahoo ? 
David Filo & Jerry Yang

4. Who is Founder of Twitter ? 

Jack Dorsey & Dick Costolo

5. Who is Founder of Internet ? 

Tim Berners Lee

6.Who is Founder of Linkedin ? 

Reid Hoffman, Allen Blue&Konstantin

7. Who is Founder of Email ? 

Shiva Ayyadurai 
8. Who is Founder of Gtalk ? 
Richard Wah kan

9. Who is Founder of Whats up ?
Laurel Kirtz

10.Who is Founder of Hotmail ?
Sabeer Bhatia 11.Who is Founder of Orkut ?

12.Who is Founder of Wikipedia ?
Jimmy Wales

13.Who is Founder of Youtube ?
Steve Chen, Chad Hurley & Jawed Karim

14.Who is Founder of Rediffmail ?

 Ajit Balakrishnan

15.Who is Founder of Nimbuzz ?
Martin Smink & Evert Jaap Lugt

16.Who is Founder of Myspace ? 

Chris Dewolfe & Tom Anderson

17.Who is Founder of Ibibo ? 

Ashish Kashyap

18.Who is Founder of OLX ?

 Alec Oxenford & Fabrice Grinda

19.Who is Founder of Skype ?

 Niklas Zennstrom,Janus Friis & Reid Hoffman

20.Who is Founder of Opera ?
Jon Stephenson von Tetzchner & Geir lvarsoy

21.Who is Founder of Mozilla Firefox ?
Dave Hyatt & Blake Ross

22.Who is Founder of Blogger ?


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