Developing Cross platform Desktop Application Development - Ver 1

Hi Guys,
   In this article about Cross-platform desktop application development using Visual studio core or Xamarin studio. first, understand your requirements and what are technology will support your requirements. Right now I faced this type of issue. The client asks me to develop a single code that works with Windows and Mac, Linux systems. 

First clear If you're Developing 

  1. Cross Application Console application
  2. Cross Application UI Application
Cross Desktop Console application supports easily. the only prob is supported with UI Desktop Application. 

   First, I go with UWP - Universal Windows Platform this is new feature comes in Windows 10. 
in your visual studio above the 2017 version, it was support to develop. in this UWP platform developed applications can use Windows Systems, Windows Mobiles, IoT Devices, Xbox, Surface Hub, and Holo Lens. in UWP can use Xaml Code for Design the View. 

   Then I Clarified this UWP does not Support Cross Platform Desktop Application. It Supports Cross-Platform Windows Application  Development. then I Moved to Xamarin. 

Xamarin is one of the powerful tool for developing Cross-Platform application development. using C# code to develop Windows apps, Android Apps, IOS apps, IOS Watch and TV Apps. Xamarin start around 2003 starts the mono application then after it was reached and helps all then Microsoft acquired.
   I Checking with the requirement as Cross Platform desktop application Development so it's semi-completed my requirement. Xamarin.Mac as supports for app development but not fulfilled for me.

then I was going to Gtk#, Eto, Avalonia Right now I Working On it. Till Now(12-Jan-2020) I can't able to get a feasible solution. 


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